GenoFAB Biofoundry OS

GenoFAB patent-pending software supports the development of new gene delivery solutions using an iterative product development process.

It integrates all the steps of an R&D project with the end game in mind

Get a free account for your lab to experience the power of GenoFAB's Biofoundry Operating System. 

Software graphic


Every research project starts with managing a large inventory of supplies, equipment, and samples.

The GenoFAB App allows lab peronnel to track quantities, locations, and orders of everything their team needs to get the job done. 

Need help to manage your inventory? Check out our contract research services. 



Sequencing plasmids is cheap insurance that saves time and money.

The GenoFAB PlasCAT application streamlines bioinformatics analysis of sequencing data

Need help with plasmid sequencing? Check out our contract research services



The success of a research project depends on the extraction of actionable insights from raw experimental data. The GenoFAB App integrates data analytics steps and experimental steps to support end-to-end R&D processes. 

Research teams can leverage the data in the GenoFAB App to run bioinformatics, statistical process control, and machine learning tools. Or they can connect their own scientific computing resources to GenoFAB.  

Need help analyzing your research data? Check out our contract research services



Orchestrating complex processes is critical to accelerating the development of new drugs or the publication of new research results. The GenoFAB App has been designed to streamline projects from planning to manufacturing. 

Research teams can leverage GenoFAB patent-pending technology to define workflows, assign tasks to collaborators, and integrate laboratory operations, computational steps, and supply chain transactions. 

Need help managing your R&D workflows? Check out our contract research services

Video Library

Check out these videos to see the GenoFAB App in action. Learn how to leverage GenoFAB's proprietary technology to streamline your research projects.  Click on the link below to schedule to a live demonstration. 


How can we help?

Let's discuss how the GenoFAB App can foster collaborations between our teams to accelerate your project. 

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